মহারাজের পত্ৰ - coo (*) coo IN A C C E PT I NG the dedication of the SECOND volume đỹ "PRITHIBIR ITIHASHA'* His Highness The Hon'ble Moharaja Sir Rameshwara Singh Bahadur, K. C. I. E., writes:- DARBHANGA 18th April, 19 Dear Durgadas Babu, I have much pleasure in accepting the dedication of your valuable work, "Prithibir Itihasha", Vol. II, and thank your for the kind and appreciative expression in which it is made. Writing a World's History is surely a gigantic enterprise and I find that you have creditably acquit ted yourself of it. The book under reference, like its first volume, is the re sult of wide and extensive researches with various fields and bears marks af vast studies. I am sure that the book will be hailed with delight by the learned public and will throw much light upon some of the vexed historical questions. Your reasonings regarding India being the original abode of Aryan race and not Central Asia, and Indian Alphabet being the origin of all other alphabets of the World are cry interesting and useful. In conclusion I again thank you for your book. Yours sincerely, (Sd.) RAMESHWARA SINGH.
পাতা:পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস - দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড (দুর্গাদাস লাহিড়ী).pdf/৮
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।