পাতা:পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস - সপ্তম খণ্ড (দুর্গাদাস লাহিড়ী).pdf/১৫২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

११७ ভারতবর্ণ । অতি পিটক ঐ সম্মিলনের ফলে রচিত হইয়াছিল বলিয়। প্রসিদ্ধি আছে। শরণংশীয় BB BBBB BBBBBBB B BBBB BBBBBB DDBBBS BBB BB BBBBS বহু সংস্কার বা পরিবর্তন সাধিত হইবে, তাহ স্বতঃই বুঝিতে পারা যায় । DBB BBSBBBB B BBBBSBBBBB BBBBB BBu DBBBB BBBS কালে সংঘটিত হইয়াছিল। অশোকের বৌদ্ধ-ধৰ্ম্ম-গ্রহণের পূৰ্ব্বে পৌদ্ধধৰ্ম্ম তাংশ প্রতিষ্ঠা-লাভে সমর্থ হয় নাই । তখন উহ! কতকগুলি ধাৰ্ম্মিক ও জ্ঞানিজমেয় পৰ্ম্ম-মধ্যে BBBBB BBS BBB BBS BBBBBBB BB B BBBB BB BBB পরিগৃহীত হয় নাই । দেশের তুম্বামিলগ্ন বা রাজত্বৰ্গ বৌদ্ধ ভিক্ষুদিগকে DDDSBB BBBB BSBB BBB BBB SBBB DBB BBB BBBB BBBBS BBBB BBB BBBB BB BB BBBBB BB BBB B BBBS BH DDS BBBS BBBBBS BBB BBSBBBBSBB BBBSBBB BBBB BBBBB BBBB DD DDS BBB BBB BSBB uD BBBBB BBBBB BBBB BBBSBB BBB BB BBSBD BBBBBBBB S S BBBBBB BBBBB BB BBBBB KKB BBSAAA BBBSBB BBBBBBSBB BBB BB BB BBBBB Bgg BBDD BBBBS BB BBBBBB DBBBD BBB BBB B BB BBB B BBB SBBSBBS BB BBu BB BB BBBBB BBB BBBBBS S BBS BBSBg ggSDBB BSBB uBB MBS BBBBBB BBBB tBB BBBB u TllB BBBBBS BBBBB g BB BBBBB BB BBB BBBB BBB BD DSDBB SAJB BtBKt DDD BBB BBS BBB BB BBBB BBB BBBBB DDB BBS gB BBB তুষ্টীয় शृुन्छौँ:छि ! S BH D BBBBBB BBBBSBCDD ggg gD DD S DB BBBB DDJS eBBBS BB &son, fossoston--"There was not much in the Metaphysics and Psychology of Gautama which cannot be found in one or other of the or thodox syst, rus, and a gicat deal of his morality could be collected from earlier or later Hindu books. Such originality as Goutama possessed lay in the way in which he adopted enlarged, ennobled and systematised that which had already been well szid by others ; in the way in which he rar ird out to their logical conclusion, principles of equity and justice already acknowledged by some of the most prominent Hindu thinkers the difference between him and other teachers lay chiefly in his deep earnestness and in his broad public spirit and philanthrophy. Even these differences are probably much more apparent now than they were then, by no means deprived him of the support and sympathy of the best among the Brahmans. Many of his chief deciples, inany of the most distinguished members of his order, were Brahmans, always classed them with the Buddhist mendicants as deserving of espect, and hio, the name Brahmans as a term of honout for the Buddhist Atha's and saints.". W’rvi. Rhys Davids, Biodiihist India.