“Sa • ङाप्लेज्रदर्बु ! DDBBBBB BBBBB DDBBBSBBSBBBB BBBBD BBBS gBDD DDS BB DBBBBBB BBBBB BBBBBB BBB BBBB BSBB BBB BBB BBBBD BBB KBY BBB BS SSS BBBB BBBB BBS BB BBBB BB BBB DDBB DDS BD BBBB BBBBBBB BBBB BBBB BBBBB BB BBB BBBS গিয়াছেন। তঁহারা বলিয়াছেন,—খুষ্ট-জন্মের ১৬ বৎসর পূর্মের কাল-গণনায় সিংহলBBBB BBBBB BB BB BBB BBS BB BS BBBB BBB BBBBBB BBBBB BBB BBBBS BBBB DDD DBBBBB BBBBBBB BBBB BBBBS BBB S BBBBS BBBB BDSDit BBBSBSBBB BBBBB BB BBS DBBBBBB BBBBB BDS BBBBBS BBSBBSBBB BBBB BB BBS বুদ্ধদেবের নির্ধ্ব:৭-লাভের পর মগধের রাজধানীতে বুদ্ধের প্রিয় শিষ্যগণ ক ক "ষ্ট্ৰাষ্ট্র DBBBB DDB BBBBB S BBBBBB BBB BB BB BBBB BBS BBBS BBBS BB BBBBB BBBBBB DDS BBBBB B BBB BBBB BBggSEBBS DDBB BBBB BBBB BBBB S BBBBS BBB BBB gB BBBggS gDD DBBB BBSBB BBB BBSBBBBB BBBBBBBS BBBBBB gg ggBBB DDDS uB BBBBBSBBBBB BBBBBB BBBS BBB B BBSBB BBB BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBSBBB BBBBBB BBBB BBB BgBB BBBS BBBBH BBBB BBBSYB BBBB BBBS BBBBS BBBS BB BBB BBS ggBBS DDD BBBBB BBBB BBB BBB BBSS S BBB BBBBBB BBB BBBBBB DDBBB BBBBB BB BBBB BBBB BBBBB DDBSBBS Sgg gggS Se BBBBB BBBBBB BBB BBS DD BBBBBB DiSBBB BBBB BBBB time in the last ten years of the reign.”—77te Early History of Indit. p. 161. ******* DDDDDD DD DDgg gDtt BD DDSDDtS BBS BBS DDDBB BBBS BBSBBS BYS S BBBBB DDDDDg ggBBBB B DDD gttt BBBDDS Dg ggS kkk kkS इझैछ ; श५,“In our tim-, when even the contemporaneous evidence of Herndutus, Thucydides, Livy or Jornandes is sisted by the most uncompromising scepticism we must not expecto mire merciful treatment for the anuals of Buddhism. Scholars engaged in special researches are too willing to acquiesce in evidence, particula, iy if that evideuce has been discovered by their own efforts, and comes before thein with all the charm of novelty. "But, in the broad daylight of historical criticism, the prestige of such a witness as Buddhaghosa soon dwindles away, and his statements as to Kings and Councils eight hundred years before his time are in truth w crth no more than the stories told of Althus by Geoffrey of Monmouth, or the accounts we read in Livy of the early history of Rọme."-Chips /rom a German #Vorkshop, Vui I, p, 1 99,
পাতা:পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস - সপ্তম খণ্ড (দুর্গাদাস লাহিড়ী).pdf/১৫৬
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।