তাশ:ণের ধৰ্ম্ম । એ ૨
- . ۴ .۔ مر ؟ است: : =- -** - I « ور: بی :۹ میوهٔ : - SMAAA S AAAAS AAAAA AAAA AAASAAA S - BBBS StSt DDS DSDS GGG gggS DDS gGtSBS BBBBBBS BBBBBS
DDDD BBS BBBBBB gD DBS BB D tggS BBS gBBBS BMBBBB ggB به سمه تw &: তপ জ্ঞ, ণ, সংযম, ৮ম, স গ্ৰা, ৈ SgSg KtAS BSBtStg BEES উহাই অশে: ক্ষ্মে নুগু স্থি?
- ፣': ቀ :: ̆ iq jifoቕ፥ ::ጓ :፧ :* = ፲፫፥:
SSS SBSS BBBS gDSDSJJDD S KS0SSHS پایه ها: د: ५५:{{ध ; BB BBDSDDSg TK SDS SDS DS BBS gg SGDSD KSS SD SDSDD S SKS KS BJK S tE DDDSDS DMtttBB BSBS S BBBBBB gS SgSSSBLSSSBSSSBSDg gBS BBB SBBS - x" ... ، ، - --- o , یہ : : - s = جا و . تا ۰ ?' や * x * リ・" ": * *、* 中:* 'Aを、1究な *:* を出* ,૧૪, ૬ ડી. ; ; ; ; ; .:મ જ:૪૧, ૬ I બન્ન* هم - * - - ۴۔ جنچ گئی , , . - ..یا : .4 - ** - -- - جمه - SBBE EeeB K BBB BKBEEJSJJSE0 DSKDK KD ggSYKKE BSJS HHHHELL llll SLLLLS S LS LLL ttLLS LLLLLS LLLLL 0LSLLL0SS LLLLL AAS AAAAA 0LL LLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLS LLLLLL LL tttS GAASL C LLllL SL LLLLL LLLLSttS S00 LLSS LLL LLLL LLLLLL LLLLLS L LSLL C LLLLLL 0L LLLLCC LLLLLS nai,i ally i. 34. It es quite agiart it is all question', tither of rual ol of theology. "Ön : * h j altınsa ile Brahintus, as such, did not then even pt.sr as autholities. }}t; t it was the ".ain su' tect of though! and disrüsslin anting the wo.indeters, aud t: ; aet: ;h" pc.1;#e tut k"d #1, a« tearliers "f {}h-mma. Au" while, on the Une tttLS LLL LLLLSlllllLSSS LLCC ALSLLLSL LSLSLLL0LS LLS LLLL TTS LLLS LLLLLSLL LLLLLLS iio na łł, hillist, yet, on the other hand, the people we new e. il Budkihist they LLSSS HH SS0 AAAAAS LLttHHSLLLS tStS LLLS ttt LLLLS LS 00S LSL LLLLLLt tt SLLL LLLL LLLLLLLLS apar* fior*, i 1*uai ui th^ology * hat tl.e rr •tor , i ihe was ', il• •! : h • i ■ i ai:in:i. f* fe II, naturally, ior ther into three invisions, quite dis' inct one from the other.—the theory of what it was right lootid suitti; so the saynian (the Upasaka) to do and to br, of what it was ight for the wanderri (the Pubou itu ) to in auil to he , and, thi tily, what the men an i wrnien, whether laity or W., noir or ; , who had en tered the Path to A, hat...hip, should do, and be, iiuti ku' ow. thu each of these three points their views autilst into I, that war, identirai with thor o curtally held, ceuta;ued also, in many details, things prouliar to themselves alone, Now the IXhanuma promi”lgated by A“tika was the tirot, only, tyf these three tiivision ș. Î* w as the Dhamma for layin:n, as xenei aijy held in india, but in :he forin, and with the modifications, adopted by the Billiosts."—Rhys 1) ax +]"8 ßitd,íhis f India, pp 299-294 भ१५ण {{न्न ४9;**म, · ५ ५४ ।I r*** कfद्रग्नlt $न, {*** ***{ ऍ* s ***; **i,-“i)hanamas, tr. - i...s. * - - ** * * * tiie *plut.**, meant piie uoinen w, ut i, ins . t conscio 1»ues : onwideo ed 45 .a.h." - mus, khys Lyav ii's Buddhisf Psycko'og". {£ xxxii