মেগাস্থিনীল । 冬酸 ভারতবর্ষ-সম্বন্ধে টেসিয়াস যে জ্ঞান লাভ করিয়াছিলেন, তাহীর মূল জনশ্রুতি ভিন্ন আর অন্য কিছুই নহে। প্রবাদমূলক যে সকল উপকথা তাহার গ্রন্থে সন্নিবিষ্ট আছে, তদৃষ্টে তাহা স্পষ্টই উপলব্ধি হয়। ফেটিয়াস-টেসিয়াসের গ্রন্থের সার সঙ্কলন করেন। তাহার সংগ্ৰহ হইতে ভারতীয় রীতি-নীতির কোনও পরিচয়ই পাওয়া যায় না । তাহার গ্রন্থে কেবল কতকগুলি কাল্পনিক উপাখ্যানের সমাবেশ আছে মাত্র। ফেটিয়াস-টেসিয়াসের BBB 0 BBS BBB BBB BBBB SBBS BBBBBD BBS BDD BBBSBBBD BBBB BB DD BBB BBBB BBBBSBBBB BBBB BB BBBB BBBB BBB DDS BB BBBSBB BBBSBB BBB BB BBBBB BBB BBS BBBBBBSBB BBBBB BBBBBB BBB BB BB BB BS BBB BB BBBB BBBB BBB BBB BBBB B DDD BBB BBBBBS BBBDDS DSDS BBBBBBS BBBBt BB BBBS BB BgB gg KSDDSBBBg C BBB BBBB BBBSBBB BBBS বাসীর নিকট শ্রবণ করিয়াছিলেন ; জ:র ,সই সূ ggg gggSBBB S BBBBBBD SGDS BSBBSBS BBBBBS BBB BBB BBBBD S ggDSBB BBBBS BBBBBS BBBBSBBB S BBBB BBDJBBB the Indus ; and be seems to have had no conception of the extent of the country and no clear notion of the portions of it which had been subjected to Persia.-- Elphinstone, History of India,
- What opportunities he had of ulitaining a knowledge of India must have been aqcidental, as his sables are aliuosi pluvel lial, and his truths very few ; his abbreviator Photius, from whose extracts only we have in arcount of his works, seenzs to have passed over üll that lie Said ot ludian ni-auners ; and to Lave preserved only his tales of the marvellous......But we are not bound to admit his fables of the Martichora, his pigmies, his man with the heads of dogs, and feet reversed, his grfffins and his fourfooted birds as big as wolves,” &c. The few particulars appropriate to India, and consistent with uuths, obtained by Ctesias, aie almost confined to something resembling a description of Cochineal plant, the fly, and the beautiful tint obtained from it, with a genuine picture of the monkey and the parrot, the two animals he had doubtless seen in Persia; and flowered cottons emblazoned with the glowing colours of the nodern chintz, were probably as much coveted by the fair Persians in the liarams of Susa and lf the Macedonian conquests had not penetrated beyond the Indus, it does not appear what other
Ecbatana, as they still are by the ladies of our own country." means might have occurred of dispelling the cloud of obscurity in which the eastelu world was enveloped.”—Wide, Revd. William Wincent, D,”, The Periplus of the Erythrean Sca, Part 1. 확一8