পাতা:পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস - সপ্তম খণ্ড (দুর্গাদাস লাহিড়ী).pdf/৩২৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

, **ः:भ:' इ ई7ट "न". ‘न्नश्छ्' शश्ड SDSDS DDDD SDS SgggS DDSD S DD DS ttt SBBBS BBSBBS BB B প্ৰয় দেশে? মেীক অক্ষর এবং বর্ণমাল-সমুহ তুলনায় - چs i BBBSBK BBBS BBBBSBBDS gggBB BBBSK KSBBB BBBB BBBSBBB S BBBBS مچ - - * همه - .م. -- SKBB B BBBB DD DDS DSDDD BSD ggg ggBB BBBBBS BBBB BBB so }য় মে{ ক KgBB BDS DDDD DtBBS0 ggSgBBB BBBBB BBB BB BBBS BB BS ggBDDDB B BBBBBBBS BBBB BBBBBS BB BBB iSBBB BBBSJSYD BB BSBBB BBBB BBS BBBB gggKS BB BBBB S0 gBB BB BB BBBB SBBB BBSBgg S D S S DD DBBSB BBBB BSBB BBB SBBBBS SS MDB gDSBBBB S BBBBSDg GJBDDk JAtg DDDS DSDS DD SDS S gggS DDSSLLLg LLLg gLLL LLLL LLL LLLtttAAASAAAA AAAA AAAASLLL 0SLLLLS LLLLLLS HHHH tStS00 tttLLL 0 LLLLL LL LSLLLLL S pictui es or direct inmitations kof at tu.nl chie 's. T h , , v. :s t!, ee: e w: }, the Mr ie a1. faiutiu;s, which lepicted only $ to l; tı): e. it! t , , , , , , , ; c. , ; d ?.e ::::::: by the eye. LLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLLLLL LS0LSL LLLLLLLSS00LL00S AAA SL0S0 LLLL LL LLL LLLLLS LSLLLS tiano, lu the substitution of a 11:11 t icu lhe whit:fe, ¿ ; t.: a i,irrr:un hea-i foi a infan. a biod's head for a bird, & 7. Tir system was otii sã ther extended ly giving to certain pictures indir ett vakies : » þ.ł we i s »; itth:11; : ! of the ɑhic rts i epi eseu: ect. Thus a jackal was made the type of rutting . .11.1: an apt the type of a gr. joy a LLL LLLLLLL LLLLLL LLLLL LLL LLLL AAAAAASLLLS00SLLL SCGrllCGGS HH HtE LLL LLLLLLS LLL llllLL LLLLS spear al.'s shield denrted figuuing, a fair i huuau ie:;s nie ant walking, white :. here was the type of digi;ing, an dye of seco, &c. I* c ver, with this poctorai adlı it n the tme ans tıf expressin; tlıatış: hts ıııd ile as iny fırt i : tal repı esen:atiuı,ş, was stili very limited....It seems certaiu that at a very rally date the pi at tice of pure pi tu e witng aust have bec a sound 8", c. 1'u'licatc.; and inconvenient, Lhan :l,e necessity fui a si!!!piul 1mo te of e spr e ss 1:1"; ; he 11 ideas was foi ced upon the Egyptian pliesthood. The plan whis h thcy in ented was hishly ingenitus. “To the greater number of their poor: al syū'ols the Egyptians assigued the phonetic values of the particular snueds or names, of which each syutbol prcviously had been only a simple picture. Thus to a mouth, ros, they assigned to, e value r. and to a hand, trať, the value t... “A similar process would appear to have taken place in India, as I will presently attempt to show by a separate examination of the alphabetical letters οξ, Asoka's age with the pictures of various rolytets soul which I believe then to have been directiy descended.... My own conclusion is that the indian alphabet is of purely indian origin, just as much as the Egyptiau hieroglyphics were the purely