, **ः:भ:' इ ई7ट "न". ‘न्नश्छ्' शश्ड SDSDS DDDD SDS SgggS DDSD S DD DS ttt SBBBS BBSBBS BB B প্ৰয় দেশে? মেীক অক্ষর এবং বর্ণমাল-সমুহ তুলনায় - چs i BBBSBK BBBS BBBBSBBDS gggBB BBBSK KSBBB BBBB BBBSBBB S BBBBS مچ - - * همه - .م. -- SKBB B BBBB DD DDS DSDDD BSD ggg ggBB BBBBBS BBBB BBB so }য় মে{ ক KgBB BDS DDDD DtBBS0 ggSgBBB BBBBB BBB BB BBBS BB BS ggBDDDB B BBBBBBBS BBBB BBBBBS BB BBB iSBBB BBBSJSYD BB BSBBB BBBB BBS BBBB gggKS BB BBBB S0 gBB BB BB BBBB SBBB BBSBgg S D S S DD DBBSB BBBB BSBB BBB SBBBBS SS MDB gDSBBBB S BBBBSDg GJBDDk JAtg DDDS DSDS DD SDS S gggS DDSSLLLg LLLg gLLL LLLL LLL LLLtttAAASAAAA AAAA AAAASLLL 0SLLLLS LLLLLLS HHHH tStS00 tttLLL 0 LLLLL LL LSLLLLL S pictui es or direct inmitations kof at tu.nl chie 's. T h , , v. :s t!, ee: e w: }, the Mr ie a1. faiutiu;s, which lepicted only $ to l; tı): e. it! t , , , , , , , ; c. , ; d ?.e ::::::: by the eye. LLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLLLLL LS0LSL LLLLLLLSS00LL00S AAA SL0S0 LLLL LL LLL LLLLLS LSLLLS tiano, lu the substitution of a 11:11 t icu lhe whit:fe, ¿ ; t.: a i,irrr:un hea-i foi a infan. a biod's head for a bird, & 7. Tir system was otii sã ther extended ly giving to certain pictures indir ett vakies : » þ.ł we i s »; itth:11; : ! of the ɑhic rts i epi eseu: ect. Thus a jackal was made the type of rutting . .11.1: an apt the type of a gr. joy a LLL LLLLLLL LLLLLL LLLLL LLL LLLL AAAAAASLLLS00SLLL SCGrllCGGS HH HtE LLL LLLLLLS LLL llllLL LLLLS spear al.'s shield denrted figuuing, a fair i huuau ie:;s nie ant walking, white :. here was the type of digi;ing, an dye of seco, &c. I* c ver, with this poctorai adlı it n the tme ans tıf expressin; tlıatış: hts ıııd ile as iny fırt i : tal repı esen:atiuı,ş, was stili very limited....It seems certaiu that at a very rally date the pi at tice of pure pi tu e witng aust have bec a sound 8", c. 1'u'licatc.; and inconvenient, Lhan :l,e necessity fui a si!!!piul 1mo te of e spr e ss 1:1"; ; he 11 ideas was foi ced upon the Egyptian pliesthood. The plan whis h thcy in ented was hishly ingenitus. “To the greater number of their poor: al syū'ols the Egyptians assigued the phonetic values of the particular snueds or names, of which each syutbol prcviously had been only a simple picture. Thus to a mouth, ros, they assigned to, e value r. and to a hand, trať, the value t... “A similar process would appear to have taken place in India, as I will presently attempt to show by a separate examination of the alphabetical letters οξ, Asoka's age with the pictures of various rolytets soul which I believe then to have been directiy descended.... My own conclusion is that the indian alphabet is of purely indian origin, just as much as the Egyptiau hieroglyphics were the purely
পাতা:পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস - সপ্তম খণ্ড (দুর্গাদাস লাহিড়ী).pdf/৩২৪
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।