&৫ a ভারতবর্ষ } DDtt BBB BSB BBBB BBBS BBB BBBB BBBB BBBB BBB গাঙ্গে সজ্জিত হইয়। যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রে অগ্রসর হয়। • ঐতিহাসিক কানিংহামের গ্রন্থে ও সে পরিচয় বিদ্যমান আছে। ফলতঃ, অশোকের সমর-বিভাগ এবং সমর-ব্যবস্থা যে বিশেষ উন্নতির এবং স্টাঙ্গর দূরদর্শিতার ও বুদ্ধিমত্তার পরিচায়ক, তদ্বিষয়ে সন্দেহ মই। * BBBB BBBBBBBSBBBB BBDSBBBD B BBBB BSBB BBBB BB S BBBB BBBBB BBBB BB BBB BBS BBBBBBS BBSBBS BBgg BDK BBB BBB BBSBB BBBB BB S BB BBB BBB রাঞ্জস্ব 道 KBB BB BB BB BBBYBBBB SBBBBBS BBB BBBB কুৰি-ব’লপ্ত । DD BBBYBBB BBBSBBB S DDBBS BBBBBB BBB BBB
- “I now proceed to describe the mode in which the Indians equip them.
selves ful war, premising that it is not tr; he regarded as the only one in vogue The foot soldiers carry a how made of equal length with the aimu who bears it This they rest upon the ground, and pressiog against it with their lts: foot thus disc harge the arrow, havog drawn the sit tug for bar kwards, for the shaft they use is a little short of being three yards long, and there is not hit: which al. resist an Indian archer's shot-neither shield not heast plate. nor any stronge, defence ff such there be. ln their lett haud thev • a • 1 y iyticklers ni undi essed rix-bi.ie, which ale not so broad as those who carry them, but are about as song. Some are equipped with Javelins instead of bows, but all wear a swind, who his broad in the bla le, but not longer than three cubits, and this, when they engage in citise fight (which they do with rełnctance), they wield with linth hando, ta fet h drwn a lusţıeı ııłow. The horsmcn are prpvipped with twu łances, łwke tre i;ıtıces tailew! Satinia, and with the shorter buckler than that carried by the fat sodiers, Hut they da not put saddles on their horses nnr do they cui f, them witli hits in use among the Greeks or the Kelts, but they fit on round the extensity of the horse's mouth a circular piece of Stitched law ox-hide studded with p is ks of Iron or brass pointing inwards, but not very sharp . if a than is rich he uses picks made of $vory, Within the horse's mouth is put an iron piting like a skewer, to which the reius al e attached. When the i ider, then pulis the reins, the prong contrat ts the. horse, and the pirks which are attached to this prong goad the mouth, so that it cannot but obey the reins.”--Vide, Indika xiv, as translated in M. McClindle's Ancient India, p. 22o. જે નકાર થઃ'જ કામકાજ મા.નઃ શાકાંક વિમાત્ર રાનિફા મર fena stra (piisa Totes) azši i offssitas else: «.." (Stipa of Bharhut ) stw gDDt BBCC B BBB DDDS DD DDD gmtDDBB g SBD SBBD BBDBB BBBS क्षाछाय ४t|3ग्न! यो ३:३ °t:ख्न !