৭৬ ভারতবর্ণ । HDDGuS BD BBDDD DDB BBBB BBBBBS BB BBBBBSBBB uG DDD BBBB BBBBBS SDDS C HDDSDDS tD DDDBBBS DB BBB BBBSBBB BB BBB DDT BBBS BBBBB BBBB BBBB BB BBS BB BB BDDD BBSS S BBBBt BBD DDDDS SLBBS D SL BBBS BB ঋ১োরগণেরই একটা শাখাবিশেষ। জার্জিও রাঠোরছিগের মধ্যে তাহদের অভিৰ পরিদৃষ্ট হয়। মুসলমান আক্রমণের পূর্বেও ভারতের ইতিহালে তাহারা বিশেষ প্রতিষ্ঠা লাভ BBBBBS BBB BBB DDD DDDD BBBSBBB BBBB BBB SSS DD BB BB BBBS BBBBB BBBBBB BB BBBB BBBB BBB BBS BBDDD _ S DDDDD DDD DD gg DD DDD DD DD DDD Di gttt DttDSDDS DD DD Dgkk et si ; •{wf,-* W he last uatme in Pliny's list is Veratatae. which i woukd cluange to Vatat etae by the to ansposition of two lettets. This opeii, og is countenanced by the termination of the various leading of Svarataratae, which is found in satae ed: ions. It is quite possible, however, that the svaratatatae may he intended for the Siirastras. The famoffs Varaha Miihtra mentions the Surashtras and "tadata= together. amongst the people of tile south-west of India ( I\r. Kern, Brihat Samuhita, Xi V. 19 ) Tnese Bodaras must therefore be the people of Badari or Vadaii. I understand the name of Vadaii to denote a district abounding in the Raziara ot Ber-tree ( Jujube ), wbtch is wery cutumou in southeru kajputana. For I ia sanie reason I should look to this neighilourhood for the aucient Sau vira, which I take to he the to u- form of the fatuous Sophir or Öphir, as Sauvila is only zino' her manue uf the V adari or Ber-ttee, as weii as of is juta y fi utts. Ne w, St fir is the Cop ic name of India. at the present day : but the name tuust have belonged ... “4” it!; ta to “p irt of the in lian C 4st which was frequented by the unei chants vi 1 iie W est T: sere cava {se tituie distuht, i tiaiuk, ttaat thès was in the Gulf of Khamhay, wu.cia føm time itumeanorial has been the chief seat of Indian trade with West. During 1.he whole period of Greek history this trade was almost mouopulised by the famous city of Iti y&aza or Bhatoch, at the mouth of the Narmada 4 wer. About the fourth cea.on y some portion of it was diverted to the new capitai of Balabhi, in the peninsula of Guzel at, in the Middle ages it was shared with Khatubay at the head of the gulf and in modern times with Surat, at the mouth ot the Tapti. If the name of Sauvira was delived, as f suppose, from ute prevalencé of tbe Bar-tiee, it is probable, that it was only aawber appella11on for the province of Badasi or Edar, at the head of the Gulf of Khambay. This iudecd. is the very position in which we should expect to find it, according to the aucient tuscriptiou of Rudra Lauaa, which uentious Sindhu-Sauvira immediately after Saurastra and Bharukachha and just before Kukura Aparanta and
পাতা:পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস - সপ্তম খণ্ড (দুর্গাদাস লাহিড়ী).pdf/৮২
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।