পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্থ খণ্ড).pdf/৩৬৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

334 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিল : চতুর্থ খন্ড শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ বাংলাদেশ এসোসিয়েশন অব কানাডার মুখপাত্র মুখপত্র ‘বাংলাদেশ ১৫, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ‘বাংলাদেশ’-এর সম্পাদকীয়, এসোসিয়েশনের ՏծԳ Տ কর্মতৎপরতা ও প্রাসঙ্গিক তথ্যাদি BANGLADESH October 15, 197] EDITORIAL The formation of the five party Consultative Committee has been warmly welcomed by the freedom-loving people of Bangladesh, and it has given a new dimension to the struggle for liberation. It has consolidated unity and confidence among the democratic forces, and led to meaningful coordination between the freedom fighters. The cooperation between the people's parties' has further strengthened the bond of unity and brotherhood between the peasants, workers, students and intellectuals in Bangladesh. It is no wonder that the consolidation of this unity has become a particular eye-sore to the forces of Imperialism and Reaction, who ate now trying their utmost to create an and dissension in our ranks, by propagating mischievous and misleading propaganda. They are trying to create an impression that the formation of the Consultative Committee has been imposed on the Bangladesh Government by foreign pressure. They have suddenly become very sympathetic (1) and say that the only solution to the present crisis is full regional autonomy for 'East Pakistan'. Rumours have been circulating that Bangladesh is going to be independent very soon. The history of Bengal has been a history of constant struggle against Imperialism. The Bengali masses have never bowed down their heads to any foreign master and never will. We do not believe in holding the umbrella over our heads when it rains in Moscow, Washington, or Peking and hence our present struggle for national liberation. So the question of anybody imposing any conditions on us cannot be true. Unity has been forged among the democratic forces as it was the ardent desire of the people of Bangladesh, and not because it serves the interest of some foreign power. On the other hand the formation of the broad-based Consultative Committee has own us respect and support in the anti-Imperialist camp. Those people who are predicting that Bangladesh will be independent very soon are, deliberately or foolishly, harming the cause of the liberation struggle and playing directly into the hands of Imperialism and Reaction. While we certainly want Bangladesh to be free as soon as possible, and are sure that ultimate victory is ours, we also feel that false hopes that do not materialize repeatedly tend to frustrate and demoralize the people. It surely is a very cruel joke on the poor, destitute people in the refugee camps in India and the homeless people inside Bangladesh. The elements that are trying to create division and confusion amongst the Bangalis, have been saying since the beginning of our war of liberation that unless a compromise