পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্দশ খণ্ড).pdf/৫৬১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

529 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ চতুর্দশ খন্ড response. But if General Yahya Khan, the President of Pakistan and his Chief Martial Law Administrator in the East, Lt. Gen. Tikka Khan intended the attack to be a salutary lesson to a province-which had never declared independence-to force it back to obedience to central Government, they are going to need new and more conciliatory methods to get it back to anything like normal working. They have still to show they appreciate this. In the meantime those who suffer most will be the non-Bengalis, in particular the poverty-stricken refugees from partitioned India and Bihar in particular. Marked out as non-belongers, though they have no connection with West Pakistan, they have already been the largely unprotected targets of communal violence in the Eastern wing. India has called upon the world Governments to take urgent steps into prevail upon the Pakistan Government to end is military actions. In its turn Pakistan has accused armed Indians of infiltrating across the border and interference in its affairsaccusations denied by India. Verbal hostilities have reached their highest peak since the 1965 war between the two countries, helped by the racial ties between Bengalis of both countries and bitter disappointment in India at the political if not physical destruction of Sheikh Mujib. His policies of trade with India and comparative disinterest in the Kashmir question raised hopes in India of something like normal relations between the two countries. There still seems no prospect however of actual armed intervention although Indian forces have been ordered to fire on any Pakistani troops crossing the border. The East Bengalis remain alone. we CURRENT AFFAIRS TALKS INDIA AND PAKISTAN: Distribution "A" ΙΟΙΡΙΟΜΑΤΙΟ ΕSΟΑΙΑΤΙΟΝ 26th April 1971 by Hilary Henson (S) The deteriorating relations between India and Pakistan reached a new pitch of bitterness today when India took the almost unprecedented step of banning any Pakistani diplomat from leaving the country without prior permission from the Indian government. The ban is a violation of the Vienna convention on the treatment of diplomats. Since the Pakistani army crackdown in East Pakistan, relations between India and Pakistan have grown steadily more strained. The diplomatic squabble started over a week ago, when the mainly East Pakistani staff of the Pakistan Deputy High Commission in Calcutta, switched their allegiance to the newly proclaimed state of Bangladesh-the East Bengal secessionists, name for a free Bengal nation. The Pakistan Government sent anew man to replace the Deputy High Commissioner, but he has been unable to get, into the still-occupied High Commission building and has had a generally rough welcome from West Bengalis. The Indians have refused to take part in any eviction of the occupants of the Commission, claiming that it is a purely internal matter for the Pakistanis.