পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৮৭৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

br8br বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড So responsible while in office. The minute the Ministry is taken away from them. Start behaving in this manner. The second ex-Minister whom I want to refer is Shri Kristina Menon. Any person who has stayed in London before independence of India or immediately after it will not cease to have respect for Shri Krishna Menon. I want to say, however, that Shri Krishna Mcnon sometimes comes to conclusions too early and then. being a very able lawyer finds ways and means and arguments to justify those conclusions. SFIRI SAMAR GUHA: We are discussing a very vital matter in which the whole nation is concerned. If the members of the treasury benches start attacking the opposition members and their views. I think they are doing a disservice not only to the government but even to the country, I would say. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I think the submission is very valid. It is a question in which we are all involved. There should not be any mutual criticism. SHRI NIMBALKAR: The journeys which our Ministers have undertaken are slowly bringing in a certain amount of success for us. [SHRI K. N. TWVARI in the Chair] PROF. MADI-TU DANDAVATE (Rajapur'): Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, there are moments in the life of a nation when the sovereign Parliament has to rise above the parties and partisan politics and project the conscience of nation. That is what we did during the Chinese aggression and repeated the same during the Pakistan aggression. Today is the occasion when that history must repeat itself and the Bangla Desh issue must not be talked about in terms of party politics but looked of from the national perspective without any mudslinging either on the Treasury or Opposition benches. Let us make it explicitly clear, that the issue of Bangladesh recognition has become more sharpened and has been focused to a very great extent especially after the recent arms aid that has been given by the United States of America to Pakistan at a time when Bangla Desh involved in a grim struggle against Pakistan. Here again it is not an isolated event and I would like the House to realize that it is the outcome of the politics of the world powers to see that the balance of power in Asia is maintained. That is their ‘Asian strategy.” It is for this reason that America wants that there should not be an open war between Pakistan and India but continuing tension between them. It is for this very reason that America does not desire the dynamic and virulent nation like Bangla Desh to come up. Bangla Desh is a potential ally of secular India and if Bangla Desh and secular India become allies, the entire balance of power in Asian politics is likely to be completely destroyed. It is this balance of power that they Want to restOre. And it is not merely the strategy of America. There was a time when Soviet Russia gave strong support to India on the Kashmir issue. But when it realized that the sympathies of Pakistan were being monopolized by America only, they gradually adopted a non-aligned attitude on the Kashmir issue and at a certain stage extended economic aid