বাঙ্গ্লার বেগম
oTthe Hon. John Zeph. Holwell,
The relation transmitted to me in your letter of the 13th, of the murder of the two Begums, filled me with horror and astonishment; but how were those sensations increased, when upon enquiry I was told, that not only the two wretched sufferers above-mentioned, but the whole family, to the number of nine persons, had undergone the same fate. I will not mention their names, till I have undoubted proofs of the truth of my intelligence, which I with (tho' I cannot expect it) I may find not so bad at last as it has been represented to me.—How this circumstance escaped my knowledge, I know not. It was not indeed an event to be learned from enquiry, and possibly the infamy of the fact might have made my friends, who were in the secret, neglect to speak to me upon a subject which, from our particular connections with the Nabob, and his intire dependence on our power, could not but reflect dishonour upon the English name. I have hitherto been generally an advocate for the Nabob whose extortions and oppressions I imputed to the necessity of the times, and want of economy in his revenues;—but, if this charge against him be true, no argument can excuse or palliate so atrocious and complicated a villany, nor (forgive me, Sir, if I add) our supporting such a tyrant.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient,
most faithful servant,
Warren Hastings.