superior in any other respect? Well, you may be for aught I know but certainly you don't show it when you strike a weak helpless poor man. And for what? Imagine a miserable creature who has been working all day with perhaps only one meal in the early morning, gives up his night's rest for the chance of earning a few more pice, and can you wonder that he should doze off to sleep and couldn't keep himself awake even to save his life? And punkhapulling is the sovran remedy for insomnia. If ever you are troubled with sleeplessness just take your punkhawalla's place and pull your own punkha. It will do you more good than any medicine in the world. If the author of Vice Versa could write a story reversing the positions of the punkhapuller and his master it could be made a source of infinite amusement and I hope, of instruction to the Anglo-Indian.
You always try to set our social shortcomings against our political aspirations and say ‘The people who have early marriage is not fit for self-government.’ We may with greater justice say, people who bully their weaker fellow-beings, who habitually ill-treat their servants who have not the power to retaliate, who indulge in barbarous exercise of brute power whenever they imagine themselves perfectly secure,