are not fit to govern any nation. Of course, moral retribution comes very slowly, but surely― it very often has no immediate means of revenge like the cowardly kick that ruptures spleen, but it is all the more thorough and unrelenting in its action. Even if these repeated insults do not arouse our miserable people from their lethargy and goad them to take God's revenge in their own hands, this unbridled exercise of tyranny is sure to react on your national character; this growing habit of revelling in the wild display of gross physical power will be one of the potent sources of your national downfall. It will undermine the true love of freedom on which your greatness rests― and maltreated humanity will thus have its awful revenge by depriving you for ever of the only source of all real powers.
What I cannot understand is how that your ladies, who are ever ready with their noisy demonstrations of pity where their pity is very often superfluous and even harmful, do not feel for the wretches who are treated in such heartless manner by their husbands and brothers before their eyes. We thank God that our early marriages and myriad other social evils have not produced such utter heartlessness in our women.