“fit” one which moulds the figure and makes no pretence at disguise— in this indecent nudity she offers herself to public admiration; and the bold looks of the men are the caresses which make her purr with pride and pleasure. Her dress is her note of invitation, and if but few honestly confess, no one is deceived.
Orientalদের dishonesty সম্বন্ধে ইংরেজরা প্রায় আলােচনা করে থাকে, তাই নিম্নের খবরটা টুঁকে রাখা গেল: Truth: Oct. 16, 1890:
The writer was yesterday in a city restaurant, when, in an adjoining box he overheard scraps of conversation which, at first, were meaningless to him; but, in the light of something he had heard earlier in the day, he was able to piece out one of those stories of trickery and fraud in connection with the Stock-Exchange which, as a rule, the public only hear of after the victims are ruined. The party were very jubilant, and the copious champagne that they indulged in made them possibly more reckless than in their sober moments they would have been. Briefly, what was overheard made it clear that the party were members of a ring which had for its purpose the breaking down of the credit of some wellknown South African shares, and