পাতা:রবীন্দ্র-রচনাবলী (অচলিত) দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৪২৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

יקrי-, * * | - 4' r 1. | ! . r i 1. | * | f l * ". r H w | 2 What were you doing 7

  • I was standing. ( to )

& I Was Kumud walking ? A. È ! No, Kumud was not walking, he was standing ( 2 (WTC-FH সম্বন্ধে ) Stand here. ( Toso ) & What are you doing ? È i We are standing. & Is Kumud standing 2 È | Yes, Kumud is standing. ( zìzvēr:FH HYW ) & I Am I standing ? È i Yes, sir, you are standing. ( 2 KETFIF ) & Is Ali sitting ? È 1 No, he is not sitting, he is standing. ( 2 KETE-FE HWN ) Sit down. ( isosco ) & | What have you done 2 È i We have sat down. of What has Kumud done 2 ë Kumud has sat down. ( zooso. Two ) & I What have I done 7 È ! You have sat down, sir. ( 2 KEJFIF ) & What were you doing ? È | We were standing. & What was Kumud doing ? È i Kumud was standing. (ztvēJITH Hwtw ) of Were you running 7 - i è l No, we were not running, we were standing. & Was Kumud running 2 r