পাতা:সদগুণ ও বীর্য্যের ইতিহাস.djvu/৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ANECDOTES. 1. Aristides. A R1st ID rs who lived in Athens before the Christian era, was so equitable in all things that he was honored with the sirname of “i:ist” and acquired great influence over his fellow citizens. It was a custom among the Athenians to expel those citizens who had olitained such an ascendancy over the people, as appeared to endanger the stability of the government. On these occasions those who had a right to give their votes wrote the name of the person whom they desired to banish on a shell, and delivered it to the officers. Aristides was held in such general estecm, that it was determined thus to banish him from the city. On the day appointed for the decision of this question, he himself came into the assembly ; and a man who stood near him and was unable to write, asked