পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/৩০২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

॥ झितिषिदॆशः । Rઃપૂ. ¿” দুঙ্গেয় ঘোরিজের ও অবোধ্য । অপর পাপাত্মাতে পুণ্য শম্ভ নষ্ট মৃখেতে শক্ত কথিত নষ্ট স্বৰচনকৰিতে বচন শম্ভ নষ্ট অচেতনেতে বুদ্ধি শক্ত নষ্ট ছয় অপর ভোগ বিষয়েত্তে অতিশয় সুখ পাইর বল লোকের গুণন্ধান্তক হয় দেখ চন্দন বৃক্ষেত্তে সপেরা থাকে আর জলেহে কমল হয় তাহন্তে মকরছি জলজন্তুর থাকে । Then, this may be deemed something inexplicable; but, The man who, having discovered some unfavourable token, giveth way to his passions, will certainly fail in pursuit of it, How shall one give satisfaction to him, whose mind is displeased without a cause” What offence have i given to the king; or are princes apt to become enemies without sufficient cause” Pamanaka replied-1'hts it is ' Hear rne: Soune are discontented, even with the assistance of the whole body of able inen; whilst others are pleased when offences are committed in their sight. The duties of ser. witude are exceedingly profound. they are utmpracticable, even to those who are in the habit of doing penance; because those who are not servants for one thing alone, unust submit to be directed by the eye at the sovereign's w mił, A hundred good actions are lost upon the unworthy; a hundred- fine speeches are lost upon the guarant; a hundred good qualities are lost amongst men who are destitute of good qualities; a hundred times speaking is lost upon those who are bot it clined to onverse, a hundred understandings are lost upon the insensible Serpents arê found uport the wanders tree; in the watets the lotus flowers with alligatofs; and in the midst of full enjoymeat thus: Whe dispute about the quality. ,