পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/৩৩৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

॥ झिलेिषिंश्चाः । १९७ বাৱান্তর এরুপ করিৰেন মা ইহা কছিয়া প্রস্থান করাইলা ম তখৰ অামি বলি অতিসমর্থ রাজাত্তে ইত্যাদি । তাহার পর আমি কছিলাম সেই মহাপ্রভাপী অভিসমর্থ আমাদেৱ ৰাম। রাজহংস ভাছাত্তে ত্ৰিভুবনের কর্তৃত্ব উচিত হয় রাজ্য কি। f før, said he, they are my gwards, and it, is noterions that the figure of a rabbit is in y emblem. The head elephant, upon hearing this being greatly alarmed, declared that they had offended, through ignorauce, and would never go to the fountain again. If this be your resolution, said tوط ambassador, go this once, and make your submissions betare the Deity himself, whom you will see in the sountain, quite agitated with auger; and when you have pacified hium, you may depart. -Accordingly, as suon as it was night, the ambassador Vijaya having conducted the chief of the elephants to the fountaan, there sbewed hini the tinage of the moott, trembling, as it were, upon the smooth surface of the water; and when he had made him bow down to it, in token of submission, he said.--Please your divinity : What hath been dene having been done through iguorance, I pray thee pardon them and upon saying this, he caused the elephant to depart. I repeat therefore, Great things may be effected &c. After that, continued the booby. ventured to say, that our king too was powerful and waliant, and that he was worthy to be the master of the three worlds;