পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৯৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  • f, *, a wrestling; -iño, a wrestler. ***, *, ominous dream, the nightmare. o, s. delusion, fascination, sorcery; a কুহকী, s, a sorcerer, a juggler. [sorcerer. $or, s. a cavity, a hole; the ear-hole. $g, s. the new moon; note of the cuckoo. #fgs, geest, s, a mist, fog, haze. #fss, s. a painting brush. &B, s. a mountain-peak, a ream of paper, a heap, a water-jar, hammer, a mallet, ploughshare, plough, a deer-trap; illusion, deceit, falsehood: a, low, mean. কুটক, 8. a ploughshare; the eyeball. কুটযন্ত্র, s. a snare, deer-trap, a net. Dable. 3:54, a unchangeable, uniform, unalter351stro, s. an attie, an upper room. £518, 8. obscurity, ambiguity, a fiction. §§, s. a ream of paper; an end, a clue.:J, s a wall. কুতনী, a sort of cloth or কুথলী, s: a satchel, a wallet, a bag. [stuff. §of, oil, s. a wall. §Cosso, well-water. £oso, s. a mast, a stake in the ground. £visio, s. afrog in the well, a man who

has not seen the world. §5, s. space between the eyebrows. Fförgl, s. inspissated milk [bolling. £on, s. amusement, play, jumping, gamকুৰ্ম, s, a tortoise, a turtle. কুর্মপিঠিয়া, a. tortoise-backed, gibbous. goto, s. a book on Hindu religion. কুর্মাবতার, s. Vishnu's 2nd incarnation. £os, s. shore, bank, a heap, mound, a pond, the rear of an army; the jujube.” &so, s. a porter, a labourer. [the bank. #soft, ad to the brim; a reaching to £, v, a to do, to make, to perform. £oth, s. a lizard, a chameleon. #3, s, torment, pain, distress, difficulty, penance: a distreseed, tormented. কৃচ্ছ্বগত,৫ tormented,suffering anguish or distress, engaged in a severe penance. কৃচ্ছ্বলন্ধ, ৫ hard-earned, hard-acquired. ş&, a. doing, performing: s. affixes converting the roots into verbal nouns. কৃত, a. done, performed, made. $særsti, szerű, a skilful, fortunate, কৃতকৃতার্থ, কৃতকৃত্য, a. dom. [successful. M. [ 81 ) কৃপা o, a ungrateful, unthankful. FETs, s. ingratitude, unthankfulness. $53, a grateful, thankful. * za &1, s. gratitude, thankfulness.:5*3, a, married, wedded. #oftofo, a, having performed the usual daily ceremonies of religion. £ofo, a disposed of by sale, sold. **fo, -oto, a. with the hands joined in a humble manner. Ter; conclusion. 55ts, s. death, Yama, universal destroy**Toto, a guilty, criminal. otos, a. successful, prosperous. off, a. desirous of success, thankful. ofo, s. an act, action, deed. কৃতিত, -o, s, learning, talent, ability, an accomplishment, wisdom, piety, virtue. £5t, a learned, accomplished, expert, active, good, wise, virtuous, pious. £fé, e. the skin, the hide of an antelope. £fool, s, the Pleiades; Karttika's nurse. £57, 8, duty, a work, a motive, a cause. gfúss, a. artificial, fictitious, counterfeit. ***', a. all, entire, the whole. ows, a terminated with one of the affixes used in the formation of verbals. **, *, a miser, a niggard: a miserly, penurious, avaricious, mean, stingy. Șziazi, s. niggardliness, parsimony, sous. şefa Hētā, a, miserly, niggardly, penuri ofototo, a. mean, penurious, abject. £osol, ad graciously, compassionately. £oil, s. compassion, pity, mercy, tenderness, kindness, clemency, grace, favour. কৃপাকর, কৃপ If«s, a. compassionate, pitiful, gracious, merciful, kind, tender. কৃপাকর্ত্ত, 8. a kind or merciful man. কৃপানিধি, কৃপাসিন্ধু, s. an ocean of grace or mercy, a sea of compassion. £ostosis, s. an object of pity. #*Itzal, s. mercifulness, favourableness. **T*E*R*, *, a look of pity, compassion, or kindness, a gracious look. কৃপাবান, কৃপালু, a. gracious, merciful, compassionate, pitiful, kind, tender. £visio, a full of compassion or mercy. gotist, a desirous of compassion or pity.