পাতা:Dialogues, Intended to Facilitate the Acquiring of the Bengali Language.djvu/২৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।


 Get the bed ready.

 Let the bearer only fan.

 I am now going to lie down.

 The curtains are torn.

 Give the Sirkar orders to get another set to-morrow.

 As you command, Sir. Go, lie down.


 Khansaman, I cannot understand any thing of this country language. What is to be done?

 True, Sir. How should you know the language of the country without reading?

 How shall I read? Who will teach me?

 Sir, you must keep a good Moonshi.

 Where shall I get a Moonshi?

 Sir, you may get a Moonshi here. If you give orders, I can get a fit person.

 Very well, bring a man of learning for my Moonshi. You will bring a man who knows two or three languages.

 Sir, as you order. I will bring a proper Moonshi.


 The Moonshi being come, and having introduced himself into the gentleman's presence by a present, the gentleman asked him—

 Who are you, and what is this rupee for?