I'm working as Alex_brollo into various wiki projects (mostly into it.wikisource by now).

I'm Italian; I presume, my English level could be best stated as 1-2 (as you can see). Strange to say, I can't understand, speak or write bengali at all, nor any other indic language/script, nevertheless.... I boldly contribute here :-)


Links সম্পাদনা

Personal wikilinks সম্পাদনা

Unicode ranges সম্পাদনা

  • Bengali: Range: 0980–09FF (2432, 2559)
  • Devanagari: Range: 0900–097F (2304, 2431)
  • unicode=String.fromCharCode(valore)
  • valore=carattere.codePointAt()
  • devanagariChar=String.fromCharCode(bengaliChar.codePointAt()-128)
  • lacking char into Bengali unicode range: "\u0984\u098d\u098e\u0991\u0992\u09a9\u09b1\u09b3\u09b4\u09b5\u09ba\u09bb\u09c5\u09c6\u09c9\u09ca\u09cf\u09d1\u09d2\u09d3\u09d4\u09d5\u09d6\u09d8\u09d9\u09da\u09db\u09de\u09e4\u09e5\u09fc\u09fd\u09fe\u09ff"

Indic translitteration সম্পাদনা

function convert(ch,to,from) {
    if (from===undefined) from="Bengali";
    if (to===undefined) to="Devanagari";
    var offset=offs[to]-offs[from];
    var tr="";
    var c="";
    $.each(ch.split(""), function(index,value) {
    // first: is value into devanagari range?
    if (value.codePointAt()>=offs[from] && value.codePointAt()<offs[from]+128) {
           // second: is bengali-transformed into the list of lacking characters?
           if (to==="Bengali" && offs.lacking.indexOf(c)>-1) {
     } else tr+=value;
    return tr;