X what inestimalle blessings they are. The treatment of the diseases, to which this invaluable organ of the human system is liable, has therefore a high claim to our attention; and I had long contemplated to compile a book in Bengali on the subject. In that view, I consulted Dr. C. N. Macnamara, the disti 'guished occulist, who as my tutor, patron, and friend, is ok a warin interest in me, and advised me to translate his book on the diseases of the eye into Bengali. A better text I thought I could:: * ' ' 'e. I readily seized the idea, and have much is or in presenting to the public the first instalment of Iny labours. I am indebted to Dr. C. N. Macnamara not only for this valuablo suggestion, but also for his experienced and friendly advice as to the plan which should be followed in translating the work, and for his kindly furnishing me with the plates used for his own book and ordered out from England at his own expense for my benefit. For these acts of kindness and friendship I coun not adequately express my gratitude to him. In translating Dr. Macnamara's book I have endeavoured to be S close as possible; but in one respect I have thought it proper not to follow the example of my predecessors who have compiled other medical works.: Translation, and not transliteration, I am aware, will enrich the language; but unfortunately the Bengali language is now in a transition state, and there is therefore at present no school of authors or critics in that language possessing sufficient influence to command the Jhomage of the republic of letters. No wonder that in this general competition for command, each follows his
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।