ΧV ΟΗΑΡΤΕ1ί V. T) ISEASES OF THE LACHRY M.AL PASSAGES. Displacement and obstructions Qf the puncta and canaliculi—Inflammation of the sac—Obstruction of the nasal duct—Defective secretion of luchry mal gland-Epiphora–Lachryonal cysts and fistule........pp. 150–168 CHAPTER VI. I)1SEASES OF THE SCIEROTIC. IIyperarmia—I'miscleritis—Ulceration-Sclero-choroiditis-anterior–Wounds and Inјнrics-Титонrв................................................pp. 169—180. "ΟΗΑΡΤΗ R. VΙΙ. I)ISEASES OF THE CONJUNCTIVA. Hyperormic-—Muco-purulent—Diphtheritic—Granular—Pustular Conjuncti. vitis–Injuries of the conjunctica—IIypertrophy and atrophy—Pterygium —Relaration— Serous and bloody effusions into the conjunctiva— Tu mours of the conjunctiva–Diseases of the caruncle...... pp. 1–93, last. CHAPTEIR VII 1. e DISEASES OF THE CORNEA. Geo, ral pathology—Wascular opacity—Keratitis–Keratilis punctata— Acute suppuratice keralitis — Sub-acute— Ulceration- IIernia– Staphyloma—Fistula–Opacities —Comical cornea— Spherical, pellucid protrusion of cornca—lujuries of the cornca—Abrasions. -Colausions —Penetratông frounds — Foreign bodies—Arcus senilis.... pp. 94-168.
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।