
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

QS? 茨う %2 R2 SR OPINIONS S3 g梵 罗 CNo . - H. E. the Governor of Bengal. GOVERNOR'S CAMP, BEN GAL. 22nd Susy, 1916. | "Dear Mr. Mukharji, His Excellency has received the first copy of your Magazine "Anath Bandhu." I will be glad if you will send : me copies regularly. Please send me a bill for Rs. 1 O. The object is a laudable one. 4: jk g; † 1 . - ܡ سے صعمحستے-=" = *" " ASLSSSMSSSASLSLSLLSL MSALSSSSSSASSASSLLSSLLSMSAS LSSLLLLS SSSLSLSSLSLSSLSSSSSSJSSSSJSSSSLSSSSSSLSS TSSSLLLLLAS ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ـــــــ le From the Private Secretary to - - Yours since riv, (Sd.) W. R. Giourlay. well AA LA LqSq qAqAASAS LAAAAAA SLA SASASLLLLLLAAAA SAAA SSLSLSLALAA AAAASLLLLSLS LSSLASAAA qSqSq AAA SLSLSL SALSLA ASLLLLLAALLLLLAALLLLSSSSLLLLLSqAM AAASAAASS SLLSLSLLLSSSAASSASSSAAAL SSSSLqA qq AALLLLLSAAAAAALSSSSSSSLSLLLLSLLALSLASLSS LSAALLLMSMA eeSASLLLLSSSSSSSMSSSMSLS SMBeSqHLSJS SLLTS SSqMSSSLSSSL S S SS L S SLLSS SSLSLSS SSSSAASSTSLLLTLL SS SSS ... ---- HSLSSSLSSSMSSSMSSSL SAAAA AASAASA A A ASS AAAASLqAqASASASASLSSASLSq SSLAqASASASASLLLLLL LAL S SASASASMSTSASLMLLLLSSS pa pa. -a - '-up - - - - -a -u- - - - - - - - - - - - SSS SS SS SS SSqSS ۔۔۔۔ ۔۔۔ "۔" ـــــــــ ــــــــــ ۔ Na rikeldanga, Calcutta. // Sofi/ombe’r, 1 o II 6. Doar Sir, The * * * I have read portions of the first two numbers of Volume I of the Journal, and I think that the Journal will, on the whole, he useful to the public, 0n’ble if it continues to be conducted in the manner it has eommenced. The articles headed “ët 1C. TI ft 347 47Ti,” “झ,ि “যক্ষ্মারোগ,” “বনৌষধ,” and “I Tf7Z7f3,” in these two numhers are excellent, each in its own way. They are written in simple, elegant and lucid style, they contain useful information, and they are really instructive. * * yy) Sir S Gooroo Dass ! Banerjee. Yours truly, Gooroo Dass Banerjee. ) S AAAAA AAAqL LeSLSLMLA SAAAAAALASL qLSSMSSSMSLSLMLLLA STSMMSqA LALASLLAASAS SSS qqSSMAASLSLLLSLSTLSSSMSSSLSSSLSSLSLMSqA SSSS S LLSSLSSSLSSSLqA SL ETSiSqSq BSMALLSLLLLSLLLLLLLS AAAASSAASAASSMSLSASLL L S SLASLLLL SSASA AAAA AALSLSSLSLA MSAqS SS LLSSTSS PRESS OPINIONS. AAA AASA A AAALLLLSSSASSTLSSS L AAAA S SALL LLSSSL qA A LS S SLLSLLLLS S S qqSSLA AeALSL LS S The Empire. Nati/uurla’, 1 ( // N'//'mubcir, 1 ) 1 (). 'THE FRIEND OF THE POOR." Such (“Anath bandhu') is the title of a pictorial magazine in Bengali which is being published by Babu Raliprasanna Mukherji of Messrs. K. P. Mukherji & Co., of 7, Waterloo Street. The journal, we are told, has been started to help the founding of a home called " Annapurna Asram,' where poor men and women sind shelter and work, food and medical aid; and it deserves wide patronage of the Indian public inasmuch as its income will be given to support the Asran. The first two numbers, which we have received for review, augur well of the future of the journal. We wish the journal every success, the popularity of which will be sufficiently borne out by the fact that among others, His Excellency the Governor of 13engal has been pleased to subscribe it.