
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

6 fine printing contractors of Calcutta. Editor- The Empire. HBalbu Shashi- HBhusha, tı Mlukhopa,«llh va. Puablis- //ozuďuy, 8ť/ /avutary, r9r7. hed at 7, Waterloo Street, Calcutta. Annual The fourth number of the “Anath subscription Rs. 10. We heartily welcome this bandhu' opens with a foreword by the lengalee magazine. It is not an ordinary publisher, Mr. K. P. Mookerjee, as to why literary review. It is started with a sacred the journal has been inaugurated-namely, object. It has gained the patronage of Princes to support the Annapurna Asram, an and noblemen throughout India. It contains industrial and religious home for the poor, all sorts and varieties of articles. Its special which is to be stated near Baidyanathdham, feature is to publish good articles on Hindu- on the East Indian lailway, and where local ism. Articles on Buddhism, Jainism and industries will be encouraged and various other religions are also published. Articles on works executed by the inmates of the home, trade, agriculture and technical arts are also who will be kept, fed, clothed, and given published. The coloured print pictures, por- medical aid in times of need. The object is traits and designs are most beautiful. In the certainly praiseworthy and deserves the third number a very good article has appeared patronage of the public. The number under in Hindi and we commend the idea of the review is well worthy of its predecessors, and publisher and hope the Hindi reading public contains contributions of interest, both in will appreciate it. We have read some of the Bengali and in II indi. A feature of it is its articles and they are really very much interest- production, which is excellent and decidedly ing and useful. ln the first number a fine better than that of the average run of portrait of the Maharaja of Durbhanga, accom- Benggali magazines. We wish the journal panied with a sketch of his life is given. The success. SERGİNİR. of the Maharaja Bahadur of The Express, Bankipore. urbhanga with the inception of this maga- Ariday, March 2. rp 7. zine is indeed worthy of his magnanimity Mesrs. K. P. Mookerjee and Co., the and love learning that pervades uniformly enterprising firm of stationers, printers, within and outside his province. lithographers etc. of ('alcutta are to be congratulated on the sixth issue of their pictorial journal, Ana/h Bandhin which contains useful and interesting articles and nice The Advocate. pictures. It is a pity that they have to 7uesday, 26th September, 1916. discontinue the specimens of indi papers Anathbandhu.-This is an illustrated owing to want of sufficient response from the Bengali Monthly, published by Messrs. K. P. Hindi reading public. "They have however Mookherjee & Co., the well-known Firm of added some English articles, but we think Printers and Stationers of Calcutta. We have the public would have preferred more the just received its II number. The Magazine encouragement of the vernaculars of the has been issued with a view to have a Fuhd to country. We beg to acknowledge with open and maintain a Home for the needy and thanks also a calendar and a pocket diary distressed. The issue before us ဖူtးမျိုး some from Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee. useful and interesting articles on religions, social, agricultural, scientifie and hygenic The Beharee. subjects. It contains also a life-sketch (with his coloured portrait) of the Maharajah of Nashipore, a scion of Bengal and the publi- jeo & Co. (7. Waterloo Street, Calcutta) for sher announces that lives of other notables a very nice pocket book and calendar for the will be published from time to time. The year 1917 which is very prettily got up. object with which the Magazine has been Their beautiful Bengali Magazine, “Anathstarted is a most laudable one and as such, bandhu' is appearing regularly and with inwe trust it will receive the patronage of the proved features month by month. The current landed aristocracy and the educated classes number to hand worthily keeps up the repu of Bengal. * * * tation. 7thursday, April 5, rpr 7. We are obliged to Messrs. K. P. Muker