
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Numberg. ) dhidh ܝܚܣܝܣܦ W a. adYkk ver great. It may be, however, that a league of nations, properly furnished with machinery for enforcing financial, commercial and eco nomic isolation of the nation determined to force its will upon the world by mere violence would be a real safe-guard for the peace of the world.' Another writer writing on the same subject says in one of the leading papers of this country: “The Allies, America included, must look to their own safety and welfare after this war, and the bitter experience of the last three years has been entirely thrown away if they have failed to learn the lesson, that they must be frong in arms and in industry and commerce if they are to repel, with more success on future occasions, the surprise attacks of future assailants.” Yet one does not know if these preparations, now intended for self-defence, will not be uti lised in making an attaek on any other nation FOOD ADULTERATION. sadugaal which may actually tresspass on the preserves of that nation or only supposed to do so. On the other hand President Wilson deems such “puni tive damages, the dismemberment of Empires, and the establishment of selfish exclusive economic leagues to be inexpedient and ultimately worse than futile.” This diversity in the views of the great problem of securing peace and avoiding warfare in the future shows that the peoples of the west are making a great effort to arrive at the truth and paradoxical as it may appear, it is in this diversity of opinions that the hope lies that the present struggle will form a conspicuous turning point on the road the peoples of the west are travelling. towards their general betterment-in this diversity of views “we may catch the first low whispers of a wind which blows towards a lasting peace.' N. C. ਲ%ਣz Food Adulteration. HE organised agitation against the adulteration of food especially Ghee has not come a day too early. On the other hand one may say that the agitation should have been commenced at least 20 years back when the evil effects of adulteration began to be felt in the upper middle classes falling martyrs to dys pepsia. Ghee is an article of every day diatry in the middle class and upper class household, and is also used for Hindu religious ceremonies. Both for food and for religious ceremonies we need. pure, and unadulterated ghee. Unfortunately unscrupulous traders and shopkeepers seldom sell the pure article. They mix with ghee every kind of abomination. To give our readers some idea of their work we quote the following from Report of the Acting Health Officer of the Calcutta Corporation on the working of the Dhappa Skinning Platform (1906)- “The period for the completion of the new installation at the Dhappa Skinning Platforn for dealing with carcasses having expired. I inspected the arrangements now being conducted by the new lessees Messrs. Moll Skull Schitte & Co., on the 21st August with one of the firm who courtiously showed me the whole construction and explained in detail the new process adopted. “The new building is situated on the other side of the canal some 400 yards further east than the old platform. It is on somewhat raised ground between the two canals. "I may say at once that carcasses are being disposed of with the least possible anaoyance, but as the carcasses are brought to the platform in-yprious stages of decomposition it is manifest