द्रवडक कjवा । יאג I do not write to dissuade you from the attempt—but I warn you of the difficulties. The old Mahabharat is so grand and has such a deep hold of your readers that only first class execution can make the new acceptable to them." রৈবতক কাব্যের হস্তলিপির প্রথম সর্গের নিছে লিখিয়াছেনREMARKSON CHAPTER I Krishna preached, if he preached any thing, devotion to the Brahmans. It is against all tradition and written knowledge to set him up against the Brahmans. But the modern poet is of course welcome to give a new character to Krishna, which this chapter does. - दिशैत्र ७ छूटोग्न नश्न ठभन यक नर्भ झिल ॥ ७tशद्र नौटक লিখিয়াছিলেন The reflective, contemplative, descriptive, and senti mental portion in the earlier part of this chapter need be curtailed. They interfere with the action. The latter part (*ánta FÈ: *f) is excellent. וחסזאי trחאי האrl orלא פיזי דפ ייסה אזtt blaאוfפושאי BBBBBB BDD DBB TB BB BBBH S DDDDD DHH ইতিহাসের প্রতিকূলে যাইতেছি বলিয়া তিনি তীব্র প্রতিৰাজ *fixton—ortre: wifa Aroos Religious Reformer (*. *R*), two weretre (the great Indian Empire)* वनिद्रा टैशtक new character (नृङन हग्जि) क्रिडस्ति । रिउँौrरू: to historically and politically untrue ( of surfow e
পাতা:আমার জীবন (চতুর্থ ভাগ) - নবীনচন্দ্র সেন.djvu/১৩৮
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।