পাতা:আমার জীবন (চতুর্থ ভাগ) - নবীনচন্দ্র সেন.djvu/১৮৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

*गानिद पूरभद्र हtद्राजौ.भशवात्र । ויויג When you are bringing out some new edition of some of your works, I could make some drawings for them— they might add to the interest of the work, the more so for being done by a European. But I should have originals to copy from. I could at the same time give an English translation of the lines referring to the picture. I am always scribbling—whatever weighs on my mind I put into a sonnet or verses of some kind. Some of the grievances of the Indian people have been running through my head lately, and in my note book I find them more or less crystalized in the following sonnets REDUCTIONS. Each high official, in his office chair, must needs Some large cronomics suggest—since gold is Scarce in the Imperial chest, and starving Peasants no new tax can bear: no chicken- Hea; hath he the weak to spare. I find this sonnet has not been completed. My reason for giving the sonnet is to illustratc my expression of astonishment that no Bengali poet has ever, as far as "I know, put forth the real grievances of the people in verse, My daughter in her last letter wrote the following ludicrous couplet– I wish the English Gnvernment Could be kicked out of Parliament. Here is the last speech of my son (aged 5 years and 2 months -