त्राभाद्र औदन । "לריצ Ladies & Gentlemen,-I am going to see how O'Brien is getting on. I shall knock Balfour into a cocked hat; I shall get Reggy Dillon to squash him. Balfour shall be put in jail; and if he goes to England I will kick him out. If he remains in Dublin I will thrash him; and if he is in the train I will thrash him still. The Lord Mayor will be out in a few days. I will speak to the Government ; I will say:-"Good morning 1 now I have come to: talk to you abou; the Lord Mayor; I will smash you if you don't take the Lord Mayor out of prison; and if you don't do it I will throw hot and cold water on you. I will die for my country like O'Brien, Marrie my queen will help me to drive the Saxons into the sea Ladies and gentlemen, I must think I have finished my speech, I will not allow the priests to be put in jail. I will go over to them and say —"You need not be afraid, Priests 1 Parliament is going to be opened and I will get up and make a speech. I am king of Ireland, I am uot afraid of the Government. I do not blame the police ; the government tell them to fire on the people, and it is not their fault. I am going to make a meeting here in Dublin ; now I shall be in it myself. I will go to the Town Hall and speak—I don't care what they say,+if they say a word I will thrash them. I shall bea soldier and die in the battlefield, I will thrash Balfour here in Dublin; I will get my hounds
পাতা:আমার জীবন (চতুর্থ ভাগ) - নবীনচন্দ্র সেন.djvu/১৮৯
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।