श्रामान्नै औदन । 8ישל thoughtthe description of Britanniacould notberendered into the flat-sounding English tongue without a number of repetitions, but I am well satisfied with the manner I have done d having studied the original I agree with those who think it about the best part of the book. Please send me a literal translation of the General's soliloquy, My translation of your prize poem was the better for your help, for you suggested phrases I otherwise should not have thought of, besides making the meaning of the original clear. My brother at Ulwar was delighted with my rendering of your prize poem. It would be a most pleasing thing for me if I could do your epic, the Battle of Plassey, even moderate justice, whereas should I present the public with a worthless rendering of a high class poem I should get censured deservedly. I think it a pity you sent back the manuscript, if you intend helping me to revise the poem, as you will not remerber the parts needing revision most. I fear, as you say, the latter stanzas are too free, but I was in a hurry to complete my pleasant task. The songs for the most part will have to be rewritten. I could not be very literal in describing the “Battle" as I wished to keep the same metre, it being well adapted for the description of such scenes; but where I failed to retain important parts of the story I should like to make up the difficiency. Please make all necessary corrections in the verses I send you,
পাতা:আমার জীবন (চতুর্থ ভাগ) - নবীনচন্দ্র সেন.djvu/১৯৫
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।