Alor * আমার জীবন। embarrassment. Even were your advice such as I ought to follow in every instance, the position of a Commissioner so influenced is not a good one in the eyes of the ignorant. Like Mr. Lyall I hope often to seek your advice as I frequently have done while you were here, though the example of Mr. Louis's now historical conversion on the subject of Noabad is not an encouraging one. His new views, as you are aware, were not altogether accepted. In the matter of the local settlement I should be glad for my views and attitude to be fully known. As an Irishman, and in India as a santal officer, I am most familiar with land agitation, and the measure which have met it with success, and with those which have failed. I am in favour of light assessments. I am an enemy to per mament alienations by Government (apart from the exceptional cases provided for) and I am entirely opposed to Government giving up any title which belongs to it, that is, agg-andis ing a few at the expense of the people of India generally, and I am prepared to meet and deal with an agrarian meeting rather than abandon these principles. Yours sincerely Sd. W. Oldham. ৰলা ৰাহুল্য আমার উল্লিখিত নওয়াবাদ “নোট” উপলক্ষ্য করিয়াই এ মহামূল্য “প্রিনসিপল’ (নীতি সকল) বিবৃত হইয়াছিল। জজ সাহেৰোৱ ক্রোখের অর্থও পরিষ্কার।
পাতা:আমার জীবন (চতুর্থ ভাগ) - নবীনচন্দ্র সেন.djvu/২১৯
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।