পাতা:আমেরিকা ভ্রমণ.djvu/৯৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

চতুর্থ পরিচ্ছেদ * > t ত ইয়ছিল । পাঠক পাঠিকা, ডত ! তই তে দে’থা বল মে আরো কত ঐরূপ লাঞ্জনু। উঠাদিগকে ভোগ করিতে চ “Notice to Freshmen. Know all ve of the class of 1912, we flogs, ve - - يخه - cabbage heads, ye miserable enerald-stained, opium.saturated, rotten-tomatoed, water-hating hoboes, that ve have pig-headedly misinterpreted the unwritten rules ;)f the college, anel, that the following rtiles and rcgula. tions are made that ye may hereafter properly conduct yourselves about the college, and in the presence of your mest exaltel superiors, your Lords and Masters, the Sophomores. 1. Before addressing a Sophonore always reto, e your hat, making a low bow, and 1:1tinnur, “(). King همه ۹ : اه II. In answering a question always say, “Yes Sire” ,) “N.* *ire, as the case imay be. II]. It you wish to enter a room occupied by Sophomores, do not knock on the door, but scratch like a dog. IV. If you meet a Sophomore on the walk, stand in the ditch until he passes. V. You must not play about the corridors. The nursery and swings are in the basement. VI. Your Lords and Masters are the Sophomores, whom you must love, honor, and obey. \ Il. You must remove all mosses, haysecd and grass-hoppers from your persons before entering the class rooms. Strings and marbles, should be left outside. 象