পাতা:আশুতোষ স্মৃতিকথা -দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন.pdf/২৩৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ ২৯ ] ) turned in presenting his cause through grim epochs of history which Bengal played her luminous part. A great over of is nother country Mr. Sen unfurls new achievements, hitherO unsuspected, and creates a halo round the romantic history f w lniclı his countrymen should be justly proud. This book is ivided into 18 chapters and has 354 illustrations of which 4 are in colour. Thus nothirig has been left out to add to he embelishment of this work. Social, literary and artistic wealth of this country has received his particular care. Fergal's ancient Universities, Schools of Philosophy and religious accounts including the activities of Tantrikis11) and Vaishulavism, received is earnest care. He begins from the Buddhistic age and conludes with the latest aspects of Bengal's dramatic history ín which the Pala and Sena kings played a lleroic part. The treatinlleint of the Malno medan rule is also highly interesting. He has not recounted merely the dry bones of history, but his cinct rating style and vista have enabled him to enliven tll ill with flesh and blood. The age of Asoka, of early Andhra kings, the Gupta and Maurya epochs have received from his pen a new lease of life and the entire book is almost a living ... a W. panorama of the ages gone by. The Pala enpire, the Chandra “Ynasty, Dai pankara’s message to Asia, Santa Raksinita’s perSonality and a hundred other topics touching the gift of Bengal to As have received from his pen a vigourous treatment. He has ' 'glected to deal with the artistic culture of each age but discussed it with a wealth of illustrations, not easily found elsewhere. One wonders how he could contain such vast materials within the compass of a single book! The treatinent of Hengal's social system is another interesting feature in the we book. Tile šubjects, treated in the book, are so diverse and "ay led that a host of scholars should follow l im 11p and treat different aspects of them in independent and more searching