পাতা:ইং ১৮৫১ সালের খ্রীষ্টীয় পঞ্জিকা.djvu/৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

4. The Hindu, Musalmán and English holidays in 1851,–and a Tide Table, showing the time of High and Low Water at Calcutta. The Population of the Globe, and comparative view of the numbers professing the different religions that prevail in the world, &c. pp. 38–69. The APPENDrx to the Almanac contains:— A short account of the ancient (or Scriptural) and modern Jewish methods of reckoning time, dates of their festivals, cycle of years, weights, coins and measures, with tables for converting them into equivalent Bengāli reckoning—Post Office Regulations, Post Stations and rates of postage in full—Terms, Session, &c., of the Supreme Court— Stamp Duties—Tables for the conversion of Sicca into Company’s and Company's into Sicca Rupees, A short account of the human body, &c. List of Missionaries of the various Protestant Societies.—Short notices of the present state of all the Native Christian congregations in Bengål and of Missionary Schools, &c.—Resolution of the Missionary Conference relative to Native Christians expelled from, or without just cause leaving their own Communion.—Notices of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society—the Calcutta Christian Tract and Book Socicty—and the Native Christian Temporal Aid Society, pp. 70– 126, PRICE–4 annas. Soln Artur Christian TRAct AND Book Dzpository, 8, Old Count IIouse, Srnert, Calcutta.