পাতা:কলিকাতা সেকালের ও একালের.djvu/১৭৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

>93 কলি কfত| দেকালের ও একালের । ইংরাজী-অভিজ্ঞ পাঠকের জন্য আমরা এই মোকদম-ব্যাপার ক্ষ এক খানি প্রাচীন ইংরাজী দলিলের ও আরজীর নকল--নিম্নে অবিক উদ্ধৃত করিলাম।– FROM GOVINDA PROSAD PUNDIT, DEPUTY COLLECTOR OF 24 PERGUNAHS. ᎢᏇ THE COLLECTOR OF 24 PERGUNAHs Dated Alipore, 15th January 1855. x Sir, - I have the honour to submit for sanction, the accompanying cases of boundary disputes and Deb. sheba claims, which have been decided by me, in con. nexion with the settlement of Mehal Punchannagram. 2nd. In these cases, the Holdings, noted on the margin, are declared by their occupants to consist of Rent-free Debotter lands of Iswary Kally Thaku. rani of Kalighat, the profits of which, have from time immemorial, been exclusively appropriated to the Sheba of that Idol. It is moreover declared, that the entire Mouzal Kalighat, in which, the lands are situated, does no belong to Punchannagram but to Purgunah Khas pore. 3rd. With respect to the merits of these claim. I beg to submit my opinion as follows:– I have personally inspected all the Holdings and found them situated in Mouzah Kalighat as you wil likewise perceive, from the accompanying maps. No assessment, appears to me, to have been ever fixed on these lands. I have examined the Chittas and Jamanbunde papers of 1200 B. S. of Punchannagram and of 119°