পাতা:গবর্ণমেণ্ট্‌ গেজেট্‌ (জানুয়ারি-ডিসেম্বর) ১৮৪২.pdf/২৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( २२ ) Districts of smaller extent as may be deemed necessary an Office for the Regist, ring of Assurances, and shall appoint such persons to superint, nd those offices, and sh all assign to them such salaries and establishinents and shall take such set urities for the due perform ince of their duties, and shall frame such rules for their guidance not inconsistent with this At t, is ni ay see m fit And evt ry original and final Judgment decies or order of iny Court and every Will or Codicil, or written authority from any husband to a wife to adopt after his deco awe, any son, when any into rest in land m ly be cluined by virtue of such doption, and every Contrict, Memor undum, IR c cipt or other writing whatsot v or by w hıtlı any w state or inte i est in any l inds or anv interc t in the product growing or to be grown upon anv l ands shall be ord att d, transferred or otherwise uflected, and evt ry writing which sh ill bt tlie e vidende of any act or m atter w he neby anv such dst te or inte i ι wl shall b£ cr uted, tr , nsfcr cd oi othm r wist fiect d, sli all be considered as in Assur unde affecting such l unds within the me uning of this Act III And it is he ic by icted, th it all Assurances to be m ide, p isst d or e xe c ut d \fter the day and year tfoto s tid by whic li nnv lands w Ithin thc said Presidency Tow us, or the said Zill the shall be in any way affict, d at I aw or in I quity in ly be re gister, d at the lot il Rd., 1st, 1 Offic C of the low n or Zillah or othur distric t in w lut li tlit s utl lantl* or the greater put of them may be situ ited in the man ner he lemuftur directed IV And it is ht bv in at te l, th af w licr nuw Will, Cudical, or written luthority is afort said, by which uny lands within the suld l’r. 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