পাতা:গবর্ণমেণ্ট্‌ গেজেট্‌ (জানুয়ারি-ডিসেম্বর) ১৮৪২.pdf/৩৮৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( నిy} ) Beer, Spirits and Comestibles, as well as for every other description of English, French, American, China Straits, Coast and Country Goods, of the greatest variety that could be possibly enumerated, all of first rate quality, procurable in Calcutta, at the very lowest Market prices of the day too, are promptly attended to and executed with great Judgmpnt, fidelity, punctuality and despatch by MF ssRs" thos wiltshire AND Co f'nited St rvice Indigo Plunters' and General Mo fussul Agents, {গবর্ণমেন্ট গেজেট ১৮৪২, ২৬ জুলাই ] _ ബജബ* No 91, Wellesley Street, Calcutta Provided, they be previously amply furnished with funds in Bank Notes, or Drafts, Hoondees, &c., at either short or long dates Messrs Thomas Wiltshire and Co, will also always be very happy indeed to undertake Agency business of the most diversified, on Miscellaneous nature from the above, on immediate application, with equal promptitude and fidelity SSAS SSAS SSAS SSAS SSAS ন্ত্রিরামপুৰেৰ যন্ত্রালযে প্রযুক্ত উলিয়ম মিচল সাহেলকর্তৃক মুদ্রিত।