পাতা:গবর্ণমেণ্ট্‌ গেজেট্‌ (জুলাই-নভেম্বর) ১৮৭৭.pdf/৬২৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( ১২২s ) tra II. Mr. G. M, M, Bidadak, Bisris: superintendent of Polis. Fasterwa-, ripperah, ia appointed to be a District Superintendent of Police of the Fifth Grade, with effect from the date on which Mr. H. A. Coombs joins his appointment as District Superintendent of Police, Pooree. Mr. Ridsdale will, however, continue until further orders to act in the Fourth Grade of District Superintendents. Mr. B. Rattray, District Superintendent of Police, is transferred from Pubna to Rajshahye, 粤 毗 命 #so t 「轟 Mr. H. W. J. Bamber, District Superintendent of Police, Rajshahye, is appointed to be District Superintendent of Police, Durbhunga, vice Mr. C. Jennins. Mr. H. Munro is appointed to be Assistant Superintendent of Polies in Durbhunga, but to continue to officiate as District Superintendent of Police of that district till relieved by Mr. H. W. J. Bamber. * * Mr. H. A. Cooubs, Assistant Superintendeut of Police, First Grade, Monghyr, is appointed to be a District Superintendent of Police of the Fourth Grade, and to be District Superintendent of Police, Pooree. Mr. W. P. Davis, District Superintendent of Police, on leave, is posted to Hooghly. Mr. W. D Pratt, District Superintendent of Police, Hooghly, is transferred to Sarun, but will continue to act as Personal Assistant to the Inspector-General of Police. Mr. W. W. Bertelsen, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Second Grade, is promoted to the First Grade of Assistant Superintendents of Police, vice Mr. H. A. Coombs, promoted. Mr. G. D. Graham, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Third Grade, is promoted to the Second Grade of Assistant Superintendents of Police, vice Mr. Bertelsen. The 21st October 1877.-Mr. B. Rattray, District Superintendent of Police, who was, under orders of the 18th instant, transferred from Pubna to Rajshahye, is appointed to be District Superintendent of Police, Maldah, vice Mr. A H. James. Mr. A. H. James, District Superintendent of Police, Maldah, is transferred to Durbhunga. This cancels the orders of the 18th instant transferring Mr. H. W. J. Bamber, District Superintendent of Police, Rajshahye, to Durbhunga. The 80th October 1877–The following notification is substituted for the one bearing date the 2nd instaut, published in the Calcutta Gazette of the 10th idem — The 2nd October 1877–Inspector Nepal Chunder Sen, of the Hazareebagh district, is promoted from the Third to the Second Grade of Inspectors, vice Inspector Ram Renoo Ghose, resigned. Oriuu.–The 26th October 1877.—The Right Hon'ble 'the Secretary of State for India has been pleased to grant an extension of leave for one month, withoutepay, to Mr. A. F. McKenzie, an Assistant Sub-Deputy Opium Agent, Benares. Medical.—The 11th October 1877–Dr. U. c. Mookerjea is appointed to officiate temporarily as Civil Medical Officer of Dinagepore during the absence, on leave, of Dr. W. Forsyth, or until further orders. The 24th October 1877.-The following gentlemen are appointed to be members of the Committee for the management of the Charitable Dispensary at Moonsheegunge, in ... سانس: Daoea Baboo Doorga Churn Mookerjee. Baboo Thakoor Das Bhuttacharjee. The 25th October 1877.-Third Grade Assistant Surgeon Shib Chunder Bose, attached to the Sub-division and Dispensary at Sewan, is appointed to act as Demonstrator of Anatomy and Teacher of Midwifery at the Temple School of Medicine, Patna, vice Assistant Surgeon Ram Kali Gupta, or until further orders. [Government Gasette, 6th November 1877.]