পাতা:গবর্ণমেণ্ট্‌ গেজেট্‌ (জুলাই-নভেম্বর) ১৮৭৭.pdf/৬৭৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

§ ( 'శ్చిస్క్రిక ) (Paar il. No. 356.- Transfer.-Baboo Indromoney Mahanty, Overseer. Third Grade, is transferred, in the interests of the public service, to the Gunduck Division. - * \l The 12th November 1877. 血 No. 857.—Declarations.—Whereas it appears to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal that laud is required to be taken up by Government at the public expense for a public purpose, viz. for a distributary channel, to be known as the Futtehpore Distributary, it is hereby declared that for the above purpose a strip of land is required about 203 miles long and from 41 to 260 feet wide, and measuring 295 acres l rood 31 poles, more or less. 贈 The said strip commences from the land already taken for the Patna Branch Canal at 68 miles 10 chains and passes through the villages of Hurrihurpore, Tengraila, Nissurpore, Parsatumpore, Auantpore, Naobatpore, Hardaspore, Chuk Nizam, Rastom ganj Chesee, Paleekhas, Gopalpore, Dariurpore, Sarishtabad, Ukbarpore, Salimpore, Korian wan, Nizampore, Adhpa, Baiznathpore, Chuk Mahaud, Sakraicha, Cuuiepore, Salarpore, Turwan Mahiudinpore, Makduumpore, Sikandarpore, Cheehoot, Mian Chuk, Bishanpore, Taran Syampore, Kandap, Lanka, Laukakachooara, Allabbakaspore, Laknipore, Chuk Zanam Karamjee, Futtehpore, in pergunnulis Bullia Fulwari and Azimabad, zillah Patna. r This declaration is made under the provisions of Section 6 of Act X of 1870 fo all whom it may concern. 歌 No. 358. – Whereas it appears to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal that land is required to be taken up by Government at the public expense for a public purpose, viz. for a distributary channel, to be known as the Kurkuri Branch Distributary, it is hereby declared that for the above purpose a strip of land is required about 94 miles long, and from 25 to 190 feet wide, and measuring about 103 acres 3 roods and 23 poles, more or less. The said strip commences at 1 mile 41 chains of the Futtehpore Distributary, and, passes through the villages of Naobatpore, Motepore Khalsa, Inglis-Birpore, Chirowra Khas, Kurianwan, Naksbund, Nanurpore, Salimpore, Kishanpore Lodee, Jantipore, Nugwan, Saria, Hulas Chuk, Gondpura, Abdul Rahmanpore, Alampore, Hindonee, Guneepore, Kurkuri, in pergunnahs Bullia Manair, and Fulwari, zillah Patna. This declaration is made under the provisions of Section 6 of Act X of 1870 to all whom it may concern. @ No. 359.--Whereas it appears to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal that land is, required to be taken up by Government at the public expense for a public purpose, viz. for, a distributary channel, to be known as the Dariyapur Branch Distributary, it is hereby declared that for the above purpose a strip of land is required about 6% miles long and from 60 to 180 feet wide, and measuring about 83 acres 2 roods and 39 poles, more or less. The said strip commences from the land taken for the Futtehpore Distributary and passes through the villages of Mohanochak, Sakraich, Khurdiya, Palanga, Nissarpura, Sinara, Parsa, Rahimpore, I.1qteefpore Tarwan, Natboopore, Dariyapore, Koorthdle, Shukurpore, Chuk Sadani, Domanchuk, pergunnah Fulwari, zillah Patna. This declaration is made under the provisions of Section 6 of Act X of 1870 to all whom it may concern. No 360 – Whereas tt appears to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal that land is required to be taken up by Government at the public expense for a public purpose, viz. for a distributary channel, to be known as the Patna Distributary, it is hereby declared that for the above purpose a strip of land is required about 84 miles long and from 58 to 250 feet wide, and measuring about 106 acres 2 roods and 9 poles, more or less, The said strip commences at about 77 miles 30 chains of the Patna Branch Canal, and passes through the villages of Khagoul, Nohsa, Ehyapore, IRanipore, Nisarpore, Mohruchuk, Nabbipore, Fulwarikhas, Paharpore Ibrahim, Harnichuk, Mozafarpore, Bhekachuk, Damurya, Dherachuk, Baghakol, Dhakanpura Yarpore, Mithapore, Bankipore, pergunnphs Fulwari and Azimabad, zillah l'atna. * This declaration is made under the provisions of Section 6 of Act X of 1870 to all whom it may concern. * J. G. Fоввва, Ма}ог, п.к., for Joint-Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal, . in tàn P. W. Dept., Irrigation Branci. [Government Gaeetle, 20th Norember 1877.)