DEIDICA1 ON, your friends and relations at home To what can we attribute this almost stoical spirit in you. hut to an unexampled and devoted zcal to spread Education, and thereby to promote the welfare of India? As to my individual obligations to you. Sir. besides the benefits I have received m common with others, they are great and many, of which I take this opportunity to express my respectful acknowledgment My prefixing a Dedication, expressed in English, to a Bengalee work, might appear objectionable - but it should be considered, that an English Dedication of allengalee work is loss awkward than a Bengalee one addressed to an I'mghsh Gentleman, and further, that a person destrous of publicly expressing his gratitude to his menefactor should not be prevented from doing it, becaust his work appears in a Bengalo dress I have obtained an opportunity, and will not let it pass I shall not detain wou any longs by this Address and beg therefore to condude with offering this since prayer to Heaven May you be blessed with a long life of coultort and happiness—May you long continue to possess tlit power of prolonging youl glorious career ul India—May you soun witness m abunduct the happy fruits of the sects you have own in the land of your adoption — May your county-men copy your examplc. and may your zcal for the good of India live in them. after your departure foln this world And may you, while yet you live, continue wo have the samt ntens love for our County. "ud be a frkns to h{r -ons Forgive me, Sir, for taking this occasion of telling all the world that I am, with the utmost gratitude for all your livous, My draı sır, Your most obchen” Servant, Kiik, 1 i Lo Mont N Moon»nara Calcutta, July, 1833
পাতা:গ্রীক দেশের ইতিহাস.djvu/৯
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।