পাতা:চিঠিপত্র (ষষ্ঠ খণ্ড ১৯৯৩)-রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.pdf/১৮০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

persons of meagre resources might have some important UIS®, Victory is the inalienable claim of all genuine power having the might of attraction that naturally exploits all kindred elements on its path and moulds them into an image of glory. And such an image is this Institute, which represents the Master's lifelong endeavour taking a permanent shape in the form of a centre for the inspiration of similar endeavours. However, the early association of mine with the Master's first great challenge of genius to his fate, whose path at that time did not run smooth, belongs for me to a remote period of a history in which I feel myself hazily indistinct. And this made me seriously waver to accept the invitation for taking an honoured seat at a ceremonial meeting in this institution. The presumptuousness of youth made me absurdly proud to imagine that my companionship was growing into an organic part in the history that was being evolved before my eyes, and, in that belief I did try to hearten the hero, which was a part of my vanity. But foolish youth does not last for ever, and I have had time to come to realise my limitation. Anyhow it is quite obvious, that I am a mere poet carrying on my sadhana in the temple of language, the most capricious deity who is apt to ignore her responsibility to logic, often losing herself in the nebulous region of fantasy. Our oriental custom is to bring proper gifts to sacred shrines, but my gift of words for this occasion cannot but be out of place among the records of memorable ছ