পাতা:জন্মস্থানাদি নির্ণয় - দেবেন্দ্রনাথ মুখোপাধ্যায়.pdf/১০০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

8 खमूह भाँति नेिeश । -of Swamiji. or reveal any facts about him, the Arya Samajists preachers will conne there and deliver religious lectures, and thus they will be undone when they will destroy the faith which the people have in their teaclings. There fore they have resolved not to furnish any information about Swamiii and plead ignorance whenever questioned and the people scrupulously act up to it. The gentleman who has communicated this fact to me is an inhabitant of Tankara and is at present practising medicine in Mandal. He himself was formerly of the same resolution but on being artfully questione d gave out some facts. Hic interrogated me as to what I wished to know about Swamiji and then distinctly observed that it would be better, willing to communicate any fact about him, and is 1 proffered any reward to the person that only under the stimulus of such a temptation could I hope to get any information. Now I leave it to you what course you should adopt. In the course of conversation, he communicated to me the following facts based on inferences, which you may verify by your own independent inquiries. Swami Dayanand was by caste an Audlichya Brahmin and belonged originally to the village of Tankara. His father hold the office of Kamdar or Wahiwat dar (Local Administrator of the village). At this time, the village was under the farm of Moroba Pant a livs IBhau Saheb. Also his father