পাতা:জয়তু নেতাজী.djvu/৩৭

এই পাতাটিকে বৈধকরণ করা হয়েছে। পাতাটিতে কোনো প্রকার ভুল পেলে তা ঠিক করুন বা জানান।

 “Let us therefore be perfectly plain and brutally frank despite the danger of treading on others corns. Nothing will be gained by mincing matters in this fateful hour of our national history."

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 “No Indian should ever cherish the illusion that one day England will be induced to recognise India's independence. But that is not to say that British politicians will never again compromise with India. Personally I am expecting another such attempt some time this year. But what I want to point out to my countrymen is that by compromise British politicians will never recognise India’s independence but will only try to bluff the Indian people.”

—(Netaji's Broadcast from Tokyo, on 21, June, 1943)