পাতা:জীবনী সংগ্রহ - গনেশচন্দ্র মুখোপাধ্যায়.pdf/২৫৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

R> Ve জীবনী-সংগ্ৰহ। “At the expiration of which period (forty days) the Maharajah, attended by his grandson, and several of his Sardars, as well as General Ventura, Captain Wade, and myself proceeded to disinter the Fakir. The bricks and the mud were removed from the outer doorway, the door of the garden house was next unlocked, and lastly that of the wooden box containing the Fakir; the latter was found covered with a white sheet, on removing which, the figure of the man represented itself in a sitting posture, his hands and arms were pressed to his sides and his legs and thighs crossed. The first step of the operation of resuscitation consisted in pouring over his head a quantity of warm water; after this, a hot cake of atta was placed on the crown of his head; a plug of wax was next removed from one of his nostrils, and on this being done, the man breathed strongly through it. The mouth was now opened, and the tongue, which had been closely applied to the roof of the mouth, brought forward and both it and the lips anointed with ghee during this part of the proceeding I could not feel the pulsation of the wrist, though the temperature of the body was much above the natural standard health. The legs and arms being extended and the eyelids raised, the former were well rubbed, a little ghee applied to the latter, eyeballs presented a dimmed, suffused appearance, like those of a corpse. The man now evinced signs of returning animation, the pulse become perceptible at the wrist, whilst the unnatural temperature of the body rapidly diminished. He made several ineffectual efforts to speak, and at length uttered a few words, but in a tone so low and feeble as to render them inaudible. By and by his speech was re-established and he recognised some of the by-standers, and addressed the Maharajah, who was seated opposite to hism, watching all his movements, when the Fakir