[ 45 (which BrE unreal), so this unreal physical world is projected by Brahman who alone is eternally real." Just as an emperor appoints officers and says, "go and rule such and such lands and territories." so ihe life-principle appoints various subordinate life-forces io perform their several functions. Chief among these life-forces are Byama, Apama, P. ana, Samana, and ('dan.". The Jiválmá (Ego) lives in the heari. There are a hundred and one veins with innumerable branches leading out from the heart; and it is along these veins that Byama moves. Just as the rays radialing from the sun permedle the whole universe, so Byana, passing along ihe veins, diffuses ils influence over the whole body. All work, requiring energy for ils perforinance, is done with the help of Byana. Apana helps lo eject the wasle malier from the body, and Samana helps in the digestion of all that is euten and drunk. ('dana, flowing along the line of the Shushumna, rises froin ihe feet to the head and carries men to the regions of bliss if they are virtuous, or lo the regions of punishment if they are sinful. Apana is the force presiding over the earth, Samana presides over mid-air, and Byana is the air pervading ihe universe. Udana is energy, Ճ form of ihał infinite solar сnergy of which we have spoken before.
পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/১৩০
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।