| 47 ) The real Brahman ihat first appeared is the sun, he is the Purusha (or the supreme Principle) of ihis Universe and also the Purusha sealed in the right eye. Both these beings depend on each other— the solar being is connected with the ocular through his rays and the ocular being is connected with the solar ihrough life. When death approaches, the lord of this living body can look upon the sun with naked eyes—the disc of the sun appears shorn of its beams before him. This is an evil omen. symptomatic of approaching death. When death is not far of there are several things which man cannot do : he cannoi smell lhe odour of a sinking lamp. he does not pay any heed to the good counsel of friends, and he connot see the slar 4, undhati. Similarly, when the disc of the sun appears shorn of ils brightness, il is to be underslood ihai denih is noi far ol{. It would seem as if the solar rays used io. visit the eye in order io do service to man ; and the term of this service being over, they cease lo visit him now. So, from this relation of mutual helpfulness, 计 would appear that the Being of the sun and the Being in the eye are but inlegral parls of the same Supreme Being. The man who has simultaneously irod lhe path of knowledge and good deeds may, on the eve of dealh, filly offer ihe following prayer to the sun. “O sustainer of the universe, withdraw that disc
পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/১৩২
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।