[ 52 | pulsation of life. After this the soul leaves the body ; and the soul, in its upward flight, is acCOIIlpaniod by ihe five pranas, the eleven senses und the upward rising Udana Vayu. This Caana Vavu leads man io Heaven if he is virtuous or through various cycles of inferior existence if he has been un evil-door. If lhere is equilibrium bolvoen virtue and vice, man is born again on earih to go through the usual cycle of joy and sorrow. Whatsoevor desire a man dies with, it is the character of this desire which shapes and delermines his future desliny. And so the Gita says :— शरीरं यदवाप्नोति यचाप्युत्क्ामतीश्वर: । ग्टर्हीत्वैतानि संयाति वायुर्गन्धानिवाशयात्। Chap. XV. “As the wind carrios the perfume of flowers along with it, so men carries his senses along with him to lhe next stałe in trans-migration". Of COurse, this is not admitted by those who are utter materialisis and who think that sense and consciousness Inay develop naturally Oui ဂ‡ particles of dead mailer. But their argument seems io be feeble and inadquale, and all difficulties are solved if we believe that there is an Omnipolent God behind who causes the birth of succesive generalions of humanity to be regulaled according to their deed and action. In the human offspring, here is a portion of ihe
পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/১৩৭
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।