পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/১৪৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

| 111 | The language of the thesis both of the English version and as well as of the Bengali version is simple and throughout logical. I have a great respect for the great Pandit for his erudition and the excellent style in which he has clothed his thesis. Sd/- Kamaluddin Ahmad Sham-ul-Ulama, I.H.S. IB.A. (Cantab), Jusfretor of Schools, /?residency /Pro/suom. 216, Cornwallis Street Calcutffa, the 27/h. ... In onst /933. The Sun as the source of Life, the central principle in the evolution of the Universe, and the visible and flaming representation of Ibrahman himself—such is the theme of Pandit Krishnapada Ridyaratna's profound and erudite 'Study' of Life: and he has developed this theme in a series of articles which compel attention by their clarity of style, their lucidity of reasoning and the massive erudition which has enabled the author to pile up material in support of his argument from the Science and Philosophy of both East and West. I have had the privilege of translating the larger bulk of the work from Bengali into English ; and, while I am fully conscious of the inadequacy of the translation, I cannot help saying that the work itself is deserving of careful study on the part of all who care for the truth. Sd/- Jitendralal Banerjee, M.A. M.L.C. The problem of individual life and Universal life is a problem which has absorbed the concentrated