পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/১৪৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

| 1v | attention of Philosophers from the earliest times of human thought and culture. The problem has been tackled by all thinkers of all ages according to the best philosophic and scientific lights of their times. And every new age demands a restatement of the unique problem and handling of the same with refreshing charms. No one from the Indian point of view is more fitted to tackle the problem than Pandit Krishnapada Vidyaratna, and this is because of his immence stock of knowledge of the sacred lore of India. He has, as his great work testifies, a coulplete command of the philosophical thoughts and cultural ideas of ancient India. It is indeed a revelation to me to find that he has not neglected the help and inspiration of the saints and sages of other lands and other creeds as well. I hope and trust that great work will soon be published in full for it will throw a flood of light on inally an obscure corner of philosophic thoughts. In this work he has exhibited a marvellous capacity for lucid exposition and I venture to hope that it will win the highest recognition it deserves not only in academic but official quarters, specially at the hands of Government, that is never slow to appreciate merits by suitable honours. I consider him far superior to the ordinary band of Mahamahopadhayas. Senate House, Sd/-Bhagabat Kumar Shastri. Calcutta, dated the 22nd (Mahamahopadhaya, I)octor). „Vovember, 1933. Pros of Sanskrit Calcutta Universify.